21st September

21st September - Saturday

Morning Routine πŸŒ…

  • Focus: Personal
  • Grateful For: Home
  • How I Want to Feel: Relaxed 😌
  • Daily Goal: β˜‘οΈ Do absolutely nothing

Daily Habits βœ…

  1. ☐ BJJ/Surf/Gym/Walk
  2. ☐ Read for 30 minutes
  3. β˜‘οΈ Code
  4. ☐ Meditation/Breathwork

Top Priorities πŸ“

nothing meme

Reflection πŸŒ™

Top Wins πŸŽ‰

  1. Dinner with family
  2. Started coding adscei.com (opens in a new tab)

Overall Rating: 9/10